1. What is Orthopaedics? Orthopaedics is a medical specialty which deals with the management of a wide variety of bone and joint conditions. In general, orthopaedic doctors are skilled in the following services: • Diagnosing an injury or bone and joint related disorder. • Treatment with proper medications, surgery or other appropriate modalities. • Rehabilitation by suggesting best exercises or physical therapy to restore movement, strength and function. • Providing Prevention tips and treatment plans to prevent injury or slow down the progression of a joint related condition i.e. arthritis.

2. Knee Pain and Problems: What You should Know? • The common causes of knee pain are old age (arthritis), injury or repeated stress on the knee joint. • For treatment of Knee pain, consult an Orthopaedic Knee specialist for a medical examination and wherever appropriate a diagnostic test such as an X-ray, MRI scan etc. • The nature and severity of the Knee problem determines whether it can be treated with Medications or Surgery. • Injury related knee problems such as high grade ligament, cartilage tears do not recover with medications and usually require surgery.

3. Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, When is it advised? • Arthroscopy of the knee is a key-hole surgery usually performed to diagnose and treat internal knee problems such as cartilage tears (meniscal tears), ligament tears, loose bodies, inflammation and infection. On occasions, arthroscopy may be used for other conditions.
Some common Arthroscopic Knee procedures include: • Meniscus surgery (Partial Menisectomy/Repair) for the Torn Meniscus • Ligament (ACL/PCL/Multi-ligament) Reconstruction for Tear • Cartilage Surgery for Articular Cartilage Repair & Restoration • Synovectomy for removal of inflamed synovial tissue • Removal of Loose bodies • Drainage and Debridement for Knee Infection


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